Query Site nameParishDistrict Oxford City South Oxfordshire Vale of the White Horse Cherwell West Oxfordshire Year of excavationExcavator Oxford Archaeology Thames Valley Archaeological Services (TVAS) John Moore Museum of London Archaeology (MoLA) Cotswold Archaeology Wessex Archaeology Pre-construct Archaeology (PCA) AOC Northamptonshire Archaeology Foundations Archaeology Oxford University Local societies Private individuals Other Ashmolean Museum Oxford University Archaeological Society Abingdon & Area Archaeological & Historical Society Project manager/site directorPeriod (articulated) Upper Palaeolithic 40,000- 10,000 BC Mesolithic 10,000- 4000 BC Early Neolithic 4000- 3300 BC Middle Neolithic 3300- 2900 BC Later Neolithic 2900- 2200 BC Neolithic 4000- 2200 BC Early Bronze Age 2600- 1600 BC Middle Bronze Age 1600- 1200 BC Late Bronze Age 1200- 700 BC Bronze Age 2600- 700 BC Early Iron Age 800- 300 BC Middle Iron Age 300-100 BC Late Iron Age 100 BC- 43 AD Iron Age 800 BC- 43 AD Later prehistoric 4000 BC- 43 AD Early Roman 43- 250 AD Late Roman 250- 410 AD Roman 43- 410 AD Early Anglo-Saxon 410- 650 AD Late Anglo-Saxon 650- 1066 AD Early Medieval 410- 1065 AD Medieval 1066- 1540 AD Tudor 1485- 1603 AD Stuart 1603- 1715 AD Georgian 1715- 1836 AD Victorian period 1837- 1901 AD Post-medieval 1540- 1901 Uncertain Period (cremated) Upper Palaeolithic 40,000- 10,000 BC Mesolithic 10,000- 4000 BC Early Neolithic 4000- 3300 BC Middle Neolithic 3300- 2900 BC Later Neolithic 2900- 2200 BC Neolithic 4000- 2200 BC Early Bronze Age 2600- 1600 BC Middle Bronze Age 1600- 1200 BC Late Bronze Age 1200- 700 BC Bronze Age 2600- 700 BC Early Iron Age 800- 300 BC Middle Iron Age 300-100 BC Late Iron Age 100 BC- 43 AD Iron Age 800 BC- 43 AD Later prehistoric 4000 BC- 43 AD Early Roman 43- 250 AD Late Roman 250- 410 AD Roman 43- 410 AD Early Anglo-Saxon 410- 650 AD Late Anglo-Saxon 650- 1066 AD Early Medieval 410- 1065 AD Medieval 1066- 1540 AD Tudor 1485- 1603 AD Stuart 1603- 1715 AD Georgian 1715- 1836 AD Victorian period 1837- 1901 AD Post-medieval 1540- 1901 Uncertain Disarticulated remains Yes No Period (disarticulated) Upper Palaeolithic 40,000- 10,000 BC Mesolithic 10,000- 4000 BC Early Neolithic 4000- 3300 BC Middle Neolithic 3300- 2900 BC Later Neolithic 2900- 2200 BC Neolithic 4000- 2200 BC Early Bronze Age 2600- 1600 BC Middle Bronze Age 1600- 1200 BC Late Bronze Age 1200- 700 BC Bronze Age 2600- 700 BC Early Iron Age 800- 300 BC Middle Iron Age 300-100 BC Late Iron Age 100 BC- 43 AD Iron Age 800 BC- 43 AD Later prehistoric 4000 BC- 43 AD Early Roman 43- 250 AD Late Roman 250- 410 AD Roman 43- 410 AD Early Anglo-Saxon 410- 650 AD Late Anglo-Saxon 650- 1066 AD Early Medieval 410- 1065 AD Medieval 1066- 1540 AD Tudor 1485- 1603 AD Stuart 1603- 1715 AD Georgian 1715- 1836 AD Victorian period 1837- 1901 AD Post-medieval 1540- 1901 Uncertain Fate of human remains reburied whole assemblage retained part assemblage retained tissue samples only retained skeletons remained in situ/not lifted unknown Biochemical analysis done carbon and nitrogen isotopes strontium and oxygen isotopes other isotope studies ancient DNA worms calculi composition other Burial context consecrated C of E churchyard deconsecrated C of E churchyard C of E churchyard consecration unknown Non-Conformist burial ground other Christian burial group or cemetery hospital monastery friary nunnery priory abbey poor house non- Christian burial group or cemetery settlement long barrow round barrow henge curcus causewayed enclosure shrine castle hillfort field system cave or overhang prison other unknown shrine/ temple oppidum university/ school/ training centre cairn Burial feature earth-cut grave brick-lined shaft grave intra-mural vault extra-mural vault pit ditch posthole waterhole bustum midden rampart wood-lined mortuary chamber occupation layer ditch backfill well other unknown stone-lined grave building foundations pyre site Grave goods ceramics animal bone coin knife dagger hobnails shroud pin button toggle buckle brooch beads finger ring ear ring ear decoration bracelet arm ring hairpin comb chatelaine spindlewhorl horse harness sword shield boss spearhead axe spur arrowhead bow archer's wrist guard flint tools razor unguent bottle glassware gaming pieces dice box lamp spoon mirror cosmetic set dentures medical prosthesis textile fur plant remains unidentified organic material other nil noted unknown awl bone pin neck chain strap end toilet implements bucket shears weaving pick padlock work box pendant cauldron box or casket belt decoration and fittings crucifix stylus anklet unidentified metal object metal pin needle set whetstone purse/ bag rings lace tag pyramidal stud chalice paten amulet balance and/or weights seaxe hanging bowl metal bowl (non-hanging) Pyre goods ceramic copper alloy metalwork iron metalwork glass worked animal bone unworked animal bone charred plant remains other worked stone unknown nil noted Cremation deposits urn urned unurned unknown Cremation deposits truncation truncated not truncated unknown Name of osteologistBone preservation 0 1 2 3 4 5 5+ Not recorded Trauma blunt force trauma sharp force trauma projectile trauma perimortem trauma fractures joint dislocation osteochondritis dissecans enthesopathies myostosis ossificans traumatica probable interpersonal violence ossified haematoma nil noted labral tearing Periostitis single element multiple elements rib periostitis nil noted endocranial new bone Infection non-specific infection tuberculosis syphilis leprosy brucellosis smallpox chronic maxillary sinusitis mastoiditis nil noted Metabolic disease cribra orbitalia porotic hyperostosis rickets scurvy growth stunting Paget's DISH hyperostosis frontalis interna osteoporosis osteopaenia growth anomalies other cribra femoris osteomalacia nil noted acromegaly dwarfism Joint disease degenerative joint disease osteoarthritis Schmorl's nodes rheumatoid arthritis Reiter's disease psoaritic arthritis gout erosive arthropathy unspecified septic arthritis other nil noted spinal degenerative joint disease extra-spinal degenerative joint disease ankylosing spondylitis Neoplastic disease ivory osteoma metastatic carcinoma benign osteoma Ewing's sarcoma other nil noted benign osteochondroma Congenital/devel. anomalies os acromiale spina bifida occulta lumbarisation sacralisation spondylolysis other midline defects craniosynostosis torticollis congenital hip dislocation club foot cleft palate other supernumary ribs cervical rib symphalangism additional vertebra slipped epiphysis (proximal femur) idiopathic scoliosis hydrocephalus polydactyly bradydactyly nil noted Dental disease ante-mortem tooth loss caries calculus periodontal disease peri-apical abscess pipe notch extra-masticatory wear dental enamel hypoplasia impaction supernumary or retained deciduous teeth nil present Medical&dental interventions craniotomy surgical cutmarks amputation trepanation dental fillings other dental interventions other surgical interventions other nil noted post-cranial dissection or autopsy dentures identifier Site name District Year of excavation MNI of articulated inhumations No of cremated individuals Museum accession number Total MNI Loading data Sign in username password